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Christ is King! Enthronement to the Sacred Heart

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Christ is King! Enthronement to the Sacred Heart

By Emily Malloy

It is hard to believe that the liturgical calendar is already coming to an end with the Solemnity of Christ the King. It serves as a dramatic close to the Church's calendar year. On this feast, the Church celebrates the eternal kingship of Jesus Christ over all of creation. We often think of God's omnipotence over all of the universe in times of turmoil and find peace. Less considered is Christ's kingship over our homes.

I am referencing the practice of the Sacred Heart Enthronement within the home, a devotion that began in 1908 by a French priest. Jesus revealed to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque that He “will bless every place in which the image of my Sacred Heart shall be exposed and honored.” Making the solemn acknowledgement of Christ's kingship over our homes serves as a beautiful way to rightly order our place (and businesses, too, for that matter, but more on that type of enthronement for another day). It also reminds of our membership within the mystical body of Christ with him at the head and is a beautiful bridge between the Mother Church and our domestic churches.

Earlier this year, Governor Jeff Landry of Louisiana enthroned the Governor's Mansion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to which he said, "it was with great honor as the 57th governor of Louisiana to be entrusted with the historical event of enthroning the Sacred Heart of Jesus over the governor’s mansion; our home and the home of the people. In doing so may our great state and its people remain blessed and under the protection of God for centuries to come!” 

Meditating upon this devotion within the context of the upcoming feast provides much to ponder. Christ has dominion over the entire cosmos, died for our sins and defied the finality of death, yet he simply knocks on the door of our homes waiting for an invitation to enter. This mysterious and astounding paradox in the power and meekness of our Lord continually beguiles.

The ceremony, lead by your pastor in your home (and the consequent graces that follow), acknowledges our need for Christ's presence and leadership within the folds of our lives. It is fairly brief and involves the participation of the members of the household along with the priest. A blessing of the home also takes place. The promises made by those in the home involve practicing devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, involving participation in the First Friday devotions, daily family rosary, celebration of the feast of the Sacred Heart, and a prominent placement of an image of the Sacred Heart within the home. These practices serve as an outward expression seeking to rightly order the home and acknowledge and invite the perfect dominion of Christ. 

As this liturgical year comes to a close, ponder these twelve promises made by Christ to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque as you consider enthroning Christ within your home:

1.  I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life.
2. I will establish peace in their homes.
3. I will comfort them in all their afflictions.
4. I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all, in death.
5. I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.
6. Sinners will find in My Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.
7. Lukewarm souls shall become fervent.
8. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection.
9. I will bless every place in which an image of My Heart is exposed
and honored.
10. I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.
11. Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names
written in My Heart.
12. I promise you in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion
on the First Fridays in nine consecutive months the grace of
final perseverance; they shall not die in My disgrace, nor without
receiving their sacraments. My divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment. 


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