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Friday, August 4, 2023

Posted by Theology of Home on
Friday, August 4, 2023

"God commands you to pray, but forbids you to worry."

-St. John Vianney


Saint John Vianney - Sorrowful Mysteries

Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Raymond Burke

The Transfiguration of Jesus, by Denise Trull at TOH Blog

The 17 Best Recipes to Bake in August, by Laura Scaduto at King Arthur 

Body of Saint, Patron of African Americans, Significantly Damaged in Sicilian Church Fire, by Jonathan Leidl at CNA

Rights Talk in a Post-Liberal Age: Mary Ann Glendon's Enduring Insight Into the American Rights Tradition, by Gabrielle Girgis at The Federalist Society

Small Bedroom Ideas: How to Make the Most of Your Space, by Charlotte Dunford at The English Home 

Patrick Kelly to Knights’ Convention: Catholic Men Have ‘a Duty to Protect Families’, by Peter Pinedo at CNA

The Secret Catholic Code of Cistercian Numerals, by Angelo Stagnaro at NCR

Pro-life Pushback Prevents All-Trimester Abortion Facility from Opening, by Nancy Flanders at Live Action

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