"No one can ever excel in great things who does not first excel in small things."
-St. Francis Xavier

Saint Apollonia - Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Raymond L. Burke
How ‘Fast Car’ Chatter Exposes the Need for Family Love, by Kathryn Jean Lopez at OSV
These Nuns Have an Unusual New Monastic “Product”, at Aleteia
ICYMI: Sirloin Steak and Bean Chili with Lime, by Emily Malloy at TOH Blog
Teaching as a Form of Kinship, by Joseph Essmann at Dappled Things
A Tiny Reclaimed Kitchen, Designed in a Wink, by Annie Quigley at Remodelista
Cardinal Zen Discusses His New Book for Lent and Concerns for the Church, by Joe Bukuras at CNA/CWR
Around the Auctions, by David Clayton and Fr. Andrew Marlborough at Way of Beauty
Mariologist Father Arthur Burton Calkins Has Passed Away, at Gloria TV