"The wider our contemplation of creation, the grander is our conception of God."
-St. Cyril of Jerusalem

Saint Hilary - Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal George Pell, Requiescat in Pace.
A Child’s-Eye View of Communism’s Absurdities, by Francis Phillips at Mercatornet
Newly Restored House in Pompeii Offers Glimpse of Elite Life, by Francesco Sportelli at AP
Video: ‘The Papacy of Reason — Inside the Mind of Benedict XVI’, by Edward Pentin at NCR
The Revolt Against the Sexual Revolution, by Alexandra DeSanctis at Public Discourse
Drone Photography Celebrates the Beauty of Historic High-Rise Buildings in the U.S., by Sara Barnes at My Modern Met
House Votes to Protect Babies Born Alive in Botched Abortions, at Catholic Vote
Cauliflower Tzatziki Bowls with Sweet Potato Fries., by Tieghan at Half Baked HarvestÂ
Trying to Understand God? Saints and Scholars Use Air, by Tom Hoopes at Aleteia
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Radio: Everything's Relative with Noelle Mering, At The Drew Mariani Show