“For those who live in the world and desire to embrace true virtue, it is necessary to unite together in holy, sacred friendship.”

Servant of God Brother Juniper ~ Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York
White House: Joe Biden Will Reverse the Mexico City Policy, at NCR / CNA
Foolproof Pan Pizza Recipe, by J. Kenji López-Alt at Serious Eats
Typical New US Religious: 38-Year-Old-Cradle Catholic Who Regularly Took Part in Eucharistic Adoration, at Catholic Culture
Scottish Festivity and Robert Burns: Rediscovering Authentic Celebration, by Katie Marquette at Born of Wonder
Angels Are Real: 3 Mystical Encounters of the Saints with Heavenly Angels, at ChurchPOP
Leveraging the Truth: The Catholic University and the Future of Western Civilization, by Deborah Savage at CWR
Mad for (Buffalo) Plaid: Decorating Throughout the Year, by Victoria Rabuse at Verily
Pope Grants Plenary Indulgence in Virtual March for Life, at CNA
In the news: World Over with Alexandra DeSanctis and Noelle Mering, with Raymond Arroyo at EWTN