"It is a most certain truth, that the richer we see ourselves to be, confessing at the same time our poverty, the greater will be our progress, and the more real our humility."
-St. Teresa of Avila

Saint Ephrem - Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi, by Denise Trull at TOH Blog
The Best Father's Day Brunch Recipes to Celebrate Dad, by Jenna Sims at Southern Living
A Life of Love and Service, by Kathryn Jean Lopez at The Stream
This Houston Couple Looked To the Garage To Gain More Family Space, by Lydia Geisel at Domino
Hope in an Age of Nay-Saying, by Carl Trueman at First Things
The Lord of Substance, by Michael Pakaluk at The Catholic Thing
Why Human Societies Still Use Arms, Feet, and Other Body Parts To Measure Things, by Michael Price at Science
The Twin Monasteries of St. Aemilian and the “Invention” of Spanish, by Daniel Esparza at Aleteia