“The power of obedience! The lake of Gennesareth had denied its fishes to Peter’s nets. A whole night in vain. Then, obedient, he lowered his net again to the water and they caught ‘a huge number of fish.’ Believe me: the miracle is repeated each day.”
- St. Josemaria Escriva

Saint Matthias - Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Blase J. Cupich of Archbishop of Chicago
ICYMI: Fatima, Ideology, and the Vatican's Homosexual Crisis, by Carrie Gress at CWR
A Silver Lining: Marriage in a Post-Covid World, by Carolyn Moynihan at Mercatornet
The Mother of All French Sauces, by Shane Mitchell at Saveur
Vatican's Vanishing Artisans: Traditional Workshops Struggle Amid Pandemic, by Robert Duncan at Angelus/CNA
Podcast: Deep Prayer with Archbishop Fulton Sheen, by Matthew Leonard at Art of Catholic
7 Attainable Tips to Make Your Bedroom Feel Like Your Favorite Hotel Room, by Mallory Wackerman at Emily Henderson
Motherhood Amid Pandemic: A Light in the Darkness, by Kimberly Jansen at NCR
Fatima Vision of Hell Helped Salvador Dali Return to God, by Barb Ernster at Blue Army
Video: When Harry Became a Goat Farmer (feat. Ryan T. Anderson), at American Moment