"[Christmas] rests upon the paradox that the power and center of the whole universe may be found in some seemingly small matter, that the stars in their courses may move like a moving wheel around the neglected outhouse of an inn."
-G.K. Chesterton
Used with Permission from Winter Fire

Saint Malachy - Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Michael R. Cote of Norwich
Christmas Book Treasures for All Ages, by Denise Trull at TOH Blog
In Defense of Anti-Feminism, by Samantha Stephenson at Crisis
I Made Stanley Tucci’s 6-Ingredient Pasta Casserole and It’s Pure Leftover Magic, Lauren Habermehl at Taste of Home
The Winter Witch Lussi and Sicily’s Saint Lucia, by Carlos Perona Calvete at The European ConservativeÂ
A London House with Influences of the British Countryside, Tropical Brazil and Bauhaus, by Virginia Fraser at House & GardenÂ
The Advent Book Every Woman Should Read, by Susanna Parent at RadiantÂ
Video: Catholic All-Women's School Will Now Allow Men, with Mary Rice Hasson and Mary FioRito, by Prudence Robertson at EWTN Pro-Life WeeklyÂ
A Nightcap for Pop Pop: Musings Over a Stiff Drink After Babysitting the Grandkids, by John Shaughnessy at Notre Dame Magazine
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In the news:Â Christmas 2023: Best Catholic Gifts for the Hard-to-Shop-for Person This Year, by Francesca Pollio Fenton at CNA