"Wait for the Lord, take courage; be stouthearted, wait for the Lord!"

Saint Bibiana - Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Patrick J. Zurek of Amarillo
Preparing Our Hearts and Homes in Advent, by Wendy-Irene Zepeda at TOH Blog
Respect for the Old: In a Tiny London Flat, Antiques, Vintage Finds, and Charm to Spare, by Fan Winston at Remodelista
Sister Wilhelmina’s Order Expands to English Abbey Founded by St. Thomas More’s Family, by Andy Drozdziak at CNA
Turkey Shepherd's Pie, at The Modern Proper
The Soviet Union Taught Me to Give Thanks for America, by David Mills at Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Parents Keep Filling Up Schools Where Children Learn to Love Western Civilization, by Mark Bauerlein at The Federalist
Heirloom Advent Calendar DIY, by Elsie Larson at A Beautiful Mess
The Past, Present, and Future of Advent, by David Deavel at CWR
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In the news: THE WAIT IS OVER: ‘Wolves in the Fold’ Premieres Dec. 2-4, at EWTN Television
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Our Marian Spiral Notebooks feature our Marian Star and numerous titles of Our Lady: Light, Peace, and Hope. The logo and title together are a simple and subtle nod to Our Blessed Mother.