"Lent stimulates us to let the Word of God penetrate our life and in this way to know the fundamental truth: Who we are, where we come from, where we must go, what path we must take in life."
-Pope Benedict XVI

Saint Isabel of France
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop William M. Joensen of Des Moines
A More Excellent Way: An Interview with John Clarke of Cluny Media, by Noelle Mering at TOH Blog
Kale Salad with Pecorino and Walnuts, at Smitten Kitchen
The Fury of the Fatherless, by Mark Judge at Washington Examiner
Pieces of Medieval History Return to Malbork in Poland, at MedievalistsÂ
Beer for Lent? The Diocese of Scranton’s ‘40 Days’ Brew Helps Feed the Homeless, by Daniel Payne at CNA/CWR
A Landmark Finnish Study Is Changing How We Approach Trans-Kids, by Benjamin Ryan at New York Post
13 Costco Cake Tips to Know Before You Order the Dessert, by Lacey Muinos at Real Simple
Marriages That Last, by Genesius at Catholic Stand