"In prayer, more is accomplished by listening than by talking."
-St. Jane Frances de Chantal

 Blessed Daniel Brottier - Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso
Sigrid Undset: A Catholic Woman for Our Time, by Donald DeMarco at NCR
Sausage, Escarole, and Tomato Pasta, by Katie Curtis at The Humble Onion
A Deep-Sea Montage Unveils the Fantastic, Bizarre Creatures Swimming in Monterey Bay, by Grace Ebert at Colossal
Podcast: Faith and Reason in a Godless Age (w/ Fr. John Bayer), by John Heinen at The Catholic Gentleman
This Girl’s Teeny Room Called for a Cozy Bed Nook, by Lydia Geisel at DominoÂ
Hormone Found to Regulate Mothers' Behavior, by University of Otago at Medical Press
12 Best Under-the-Radar Trader Joe's Products You Need to Try Immediately, by Joey Skladany at FOOD52
This Catholic Doctor Lost Everything in the Nagasaki Bombing. Except Faith, Hope, and Love, by Kevin J. Jones at CNA