“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.”

Saint Charles of Sezze ~ Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento
South Dakota Governor Calls for Down Syndrome Abortion Ban, at CNA
Apple Jack Stack Cake, at Garden & Gun
10 Tips to Conquer the Sin of Envy, by Fr. Ed Broom at Catholic Exchange
Podcast: Bloom Where You're Planted: The Effect of Place on Character, by Charity Hill at Bright Wings
My People Need Christ's Body and Blood, by Salvatore J. Cordileone at First Things
The Best Sandwich in Every State, by David Landsel at Food & Wine
Lockdowns: An Abortion Argument, by David G. Bonagura at The Catholic Thing
ICYMI: The 3 Reasons Martin Luther King Jr. Rejected Communism, by Ben Johnson at Acton
TOH in the news: Podcast: Theology of Home with Carrie Gress, with Archbishop Joseph Naumann at The Shepherd's Voice