“Charity and kindness unwedded to truth are not charity and kindness, but deceit and vanity."

Conversion of Saint Paul ~ Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Ramon Bejarano, Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego
Mary, Star of the Sea: The Light Who Guides Us Home, by Constance T. Hull at Catholic Exchange
How to Purge Your Closet Without Regrets, by Kara Nesvig at Wit & Delight
Discord Today and the Failure of Authority, by John Cuddeback at Life Craft
House Tour: The Epitome of Winter Coziness in a Little Alpine Lodge, at Coco Kelley
Podcast: On Teaching and Translating Dante, by Anthony Esolen at Magdalene College
7 Comforting Good-For-You Soups, at Williams Sonoma Taste
New Healed and Restored Ministry to Assist Abuse Survivors, by SueAnn Howell at Catholic News Herald
Addiction and Redemption, by Jim Wahlberg at The Coming Home Network