"The best thing for us is not what we consider the best, but what the Lord wants of us."
-St. Josephine Bakita

Saints Blaise & Diogen - Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Edward M. Rice of Springfield-Cape Girardeau
Convert, Author, and Noted Radio Host Al Kresta Succombs to Liver Cancer, by Kathy Schiffer at CWR
Our Favorite Swedish Cook Spaces (And 11 Ideas to Borrow), by Annie Quigley at Remodelista
The Theology of Immigration, by Brad Littlejohn at First Things
Sesame Garlic Ramen Noodles, at The Modern Proper
Renewal Can Only Take Place Through Deep Prayer, by Constance T. Hull at Catholic Exchange
Video: Was Karl Marx a Satanist? With Paul Kengor, at Jordan B. Peterson
A Visual Guide to 32 Types of Green Caterpillars in Your Garden, by Linda Ly at Garden Betty
Tales from a Long Commute, by Stephen P. White at TCTÂ