"Man's external form, marvelously constructed, is not much as compared with the divine soul that dwells inside that structure."
-Leonardo da Vinci

Saint Ignatius of Antioch - Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice Bishop Fernand Cheri, Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans
Innovative Steps to Reclaim a Human Way of Life for the Next Generation, by Noelle Mering at Newsweek
Two Catholic Movies Back in Theaters for Encores After Stellar Showings, by Joe Bukuras at CNA
Poverty Rates Reveal Inconvenient Truth About Progressive Policies, by Anne Hendershott at Crisis
Erin And Ben Napier Share Their Dream Home In The Mississippi Countryside, by Sid Evans at Southern LivingÂ
The Italian Village with a 'Blood-Melting Miracle', by Silvia Marchetti at CNN
Why Bros Failed at the Box Office, by Carl Trueman at First Things
Fried Chicken Sandwich, at The Modern Proper
New Study Adds to Body of Research Showing Negative Effects of Abortion on Women, by Bettina di Fiore at Live Action