"Sometimes God stays silent until we’re ready to listen."

Saint John Eudes - Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Joseph G. Hanefeldt of Grand Island
Mass Celebrated at Denver's Planned Parenthood Starts New Phase of Prolife Ministry, by Alejandro Bermudez at CWR
We Finally Figured Out the Trick to Styling Trailing Plants, by Lisa Muñoz at Domino
Leave It, Leave It all Behind, by Bonnie Engstrom at Blessed Is She
This Company Is Turning Shipping Containers Into Swimming Pools, by Mandi Keighran at dwell
Rick Steves' New Series Is Far From Europe — but It Might Make You Appreciate Your Own Hometown, by Patricia Doherty at Travel + Leisure
Wisdom for Another School Year, by Fr. Peter Stravinskas at Homiletic and Pastoral Review
Reverence Opens the Door to Beauty, by David Trull at Dappled Things
Lemon Garlic Shrimp Salad with Radishes and Arugula, by Katie Curtis at The Humble Onion