"Come, let us give a little time to folly... and even in a melancholy day let us find time for an hour of pleasure."
-St. Bonaventure

Saint Hilary of Poitiers - Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Larry J. Kulick of Greensburg
Meet the 3-ingredient “Mother Sauce” of the Italian Pastry Kitchen, by Tammie Teclemariam at Saveur
Endangered Attention: How to Guard a Precious Gift, by Scott Hubbard at Desiring God
Kate Turns 40: 23 Times Kate Middleton Dressed Up in Alexander McQueen, by Annie Goldsmith at Town & Country
Exorcist Diary: Mentally Tormented by Demons, by Msgr. Stephen Rossetti at Spiritual Direction
Make the Best Brownies Ever with These 7 Tips, by Jerrelle Guy at The Kitchn
Video: Secrets that Can Help a Man Live in Holiness, by John Heinen and Sam Guzman at The Catholic Gentleman
The Most Popular Historic Home Styles in Cities Across America, by Heather Bien at Apartment Therapy
Christ Is the Author of the Sacraments, by Msgr. Ronald Knox at The Catholic Thing