“Let your old age be childlike, and your childhood like old age; that is, so that neither may your wisdom be with pride, nor your humility without wisdom.”

Saint Gregory Nazianzen ~ Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Thanh Thai Nguyen, Auxiliary Bishop of Orange
Fulton Sheen's Warning About Counterfeit Catholicism, at Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Tiramisu Cake, at Cake by Courtney
Melville's Rejection of Utopia, by Micah Mattix at Law & Liberty
"She Will Come": The Supernatural Power of Our Lady's Name Against the Gates of Hell, by Msgr. Stephen Rosetti at ChurchPOP
The Piece of Decor Your Kitchen Is Calling For, by Alyssa Longobucco at FOOD52
Why Aquinas Wrote the Summa, by Br. Simon Teller at Dominicana
Winter Skin Routine, at Could I Have That?
Norbertine Nuns Mark 900th Anniversary of Order with Biography of Founder, by Jim Graves at CWR
TOH in the news: Mornings with Carmen - An Interview with Carrie Gress, by Carmen LaBerge at My Faith Radio (interview begins at 23:20)