"It was always in the home that children were likeliest to absorb the revolutionary teachings that, over the course of two thousand years, have come to be so taken for granted as almost to seem human nature. The Christian revolution was wrought above all at the knees of women."
-Tom Holland

Saint Apollinaris -Â Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Anthony C. Celino, Auxiliary Bishop of El Paso
‘Sound of Freedom’ Is Stirring Hearts to Help Victims of Sex Trafficking, by Patti Maguire Armstrong and Martin Barillas at NCR
Popular Social Media Platform’s New AI Feature Gives ‘Advice’ to Kids About Gender Confusion, by Madeline Narduzzi at The Daily SignalÂ
This Fiat 500 Spiaggina Retromod Is a Tribute to Summer, by Andrea Nepori at Domus
American Tourist’s Challenge to Malta’s Abortion Law Fails, by Bridget Ryder at European ConservativeÂ
This Cake Is the Greek Equivalent to St. Anthony’s Bread, by Daniel Esparza at Aleteia
How Two SCOTUS Dissents Reveal Worldview, by John Stonestreet and Glenn Sunshine at Breakpoint
Backyard Composters, Explained: The Good, the Hot, and the Wormy, by Melissa Ozawa at GardenistaÂ
St. Thomas on the Twenty-Threes, by Michael Pakaluk at The Catholic Thing