"Come, let us give a little time to folly... and even in a melancholy day let us find time for an hour of pleasure."
-St. Bonaventure

Saint Bonaventure - Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop John F. Doerfler of Marquette
Fruit Filled Cakes You'll Love, at Cake by Courtney
Reiki, Ouija boards and Fortune-telling: Whom are you invoking If You’re Not Invoking God?, by Msgr. Rossetti at SpiritualDirection.com
Eat Like Jane Austen With Recipes From Her Sister-In-Law’s Cookbook, by Reina Gattuso at Gastro Obscura
Medieval Noble Ladies and Their Servants: Who Wore What and Why, by Sophie Andrade at Medievalists.net
Take a Page from Grace Kelly's Book to Dress with Modern Elegance, by Nicole Andre at Evie
How to Feast and Fast Like a Catholic All Year, by Alexandra Greeley at NCR
Catholic Options at Traditionally Protestant Colleges and Universities, by Casey Chalk at CWR
Fox News Host and Mom of 9 Rachel Campos-Duffy, by Megan Sims at Yahoo
TOH in the news: Podcast: CRT in Schools, with Drew Mariani on Relevant Radio