“Be kind to all and severe to thyself.”
- St. Teresa of Avila

Saint Charles Lwanga & Companions - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Glen J. Provost of Lake Charles
The Scruples of Luther and Thérèse, by Luke Lancaster at Catholic Answers
The Mob Is After Chip and Joanna Gaines Again, This Time Over Critical Race Theory, by Mary Margaret Olohan at The Stream
If You Want a Ph.D. in Church History, Eat Italian, by John Allen at Crux
Podcast: Does Being a Father Ruin Your Life?, by John Heinen and Sam Guzman at The Catholic Gentleman
How an Ojai Ranch House Went from Ho-Hum to WOW, by Christine Lennon at Sunset
8 Quick Tips to Make Mass a Time of Devotion, by Christopher Carstens at Catholic Exchange
The Simple Secret to Much, Much Better Whole-Grain Pancakes, by Kristen Miglore at FOOD 52
How Can Anyone Say They "Know" Catholicism Is True?, by Pat Flynn at Word on Fire
TOH in the news: The Christian Answer to Woke Ideology with Noelle Mering, at The Patrick Coffin Show