"Indeed the mystery of Christ runs the risk of being disbelieved precisely because it is so incredibly wonderful."
-St. Cyril of AlexandriaÂ

Saint Agnes of Bohemia
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Peter J. Byrne, Auxiliary Bishop of New York
Father Love Is a Hard Love, by Francis X. Maier at First ThingsÂ
Meshing Faith with Fashion with Sequoia Sierra at Radiant, by Susanna Parent at RadiantÂ
All Are Welcome…to What Exactly?, at Fr. Dwight LongeneckerÂ
Seven Suggestions for the Beginning Quilter (and Anyone Else Feeling Stressed), by Dixie Dillon Lane at Hearth & Field
How I'm Learning to Keep My Opinions to Myself, by Fr. Michael Rennier at Aleteia
Iceberg Wedge Salad – Grain, Dairy, & Pork-Free, by Chris at Chris Loves Julia
The Key to Getting (and Staying) Organized Is Actually Owning Less Stuff, According to a Pro Organizer, by Mary Cornetta at Apartment Therapy
The Really Real and the Liturgy, by David Fagerberg at Church Life JournalÂ