"The root of Jesse shall come, raised up to rule the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles hope."
-St. Paul

Saint Dominic of Silos - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Robert Barron of Winona-Rochester
Sex and the Final Christian Generation, by Rod Dreher at The American Conservative
How to Tie a Wreath Bow in 5 Different Styles, by Roxanna Coldiron at Martha StewartÂ
Two Early Medieval Churches Discovered in Northeastern Africa, at MedievalistsÂ
Marzipan and Mincemeat Pasties, by Sally Clarke at House & GardenÂ
This College’s Newman Institute Is Attracting Non-Catholics with Its ‘Catholicism 101’ Class, by Anna Youell at CNA/CWR
Pro-Abort 'Woke' Corporations Parodied in Video Series, by Live Action at The StreamÂ
Charming Christmas Homes, by Melissa at The Inspired Room
Hope Does Not Disappoint, by Fr. James Brent at Spiritual Direction