"In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy."
-William Blake

Saint Brigid of Ireland - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Richard F. Stika of Knoxville
Ireland Establishes Public Holiday for Female Patron, St. Brigid, by J-P Mauro at Aleteia
Layered Pink Pavlova with Vanilla Custard, by Courtney Rich at Cake by Courtney
Why Atheists Change Their Minds: 8 Common Factors, by Matthew Nelson at WOF
What 'Amadeus' Got Right, by Vincent DeLuise at The Imaginative Conservative
Outfit Inspiration from Valerie Leberichel, at Habitually Chic
Podcast: Spiritual Direction: Whose Voice Is That?, with Fr. Parks and Beth Davis at The Gathering Place
A Kitchen Design Inspired by a Sea Captain, by Lydia Geisel at Domino
Martyrs of Communism: Blessed Olympia Bida, by Dawn Beutner at CWR
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Podcast: Noelle Mering: Awake, Not Woke, with Gary Michuta at Hands on ApologeticsÂ