"So you have failed?... You have not failed; you have gained experience. Forward!"
-St. Josemaria Escriva

Saint Josephine Bahkita - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller of San Antonio
We Are Called to Be Fishers of Men, by Carl Olson at CWR
Chicken and Dumplings, at Saveur
Podcast: Robert P. George on Teaching and Free Thought, by Wesley J. Smith at Discovery Institute
A Painter Quietly Changing the Culture, by Austin Ruse at Crisis
The Cutest Kids' Valentines, at Rachel Parcell
Abortion Pill Network Hopes to 'Normalize Abortion' and Make it More Common, by Carole Novielli at Live Action
Stylist Hack: 7 Unexpected Places to Hang Art, at Emily Henderson
Courage During the Plague, by Hans Boersma at First Things