“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys ~ Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Kevin W. Vann of Orange
A Shining Light in Dark Days, by Carrie Gress at TOH Blog
Southern Butter Rolls: A Nearly Forgotten Celebration of Southern Ingenuity, by at The Kitchn
7 Actionable Ways to Develop Good Listening Skills, by Carol Zee at Lifehack
St. Maximillian Kolbe: Tribute to a Seed, by Zubair Simonson at The Catholic Gentleman
This Kid's Wall Unit Is Meant to Be Climbed On--And More!, by Catherine Dash at Domino
A Face, by Joseph R. Wood at The Catholic Thing
Irish Family Band Wows Millions with Their Musical Talent, by Cerith Gardiner at Aleteia
Father Maciej Zięba, Close Associate of John Paul II, Laid to Rest in Poland, by Paulina Guzik at Crux
TOH in the news: Theology of Home Shows Women the Beauty of Fruitful Living, by Jennifer S. Bryson at Public Discourse