"Whoever hammers a lump of iron, first decides what he is going to make of it, a scythe, a sword, or an axe. Even so we ought to make up our minds what kind of virtue we want to forge or we labour in vain."
-St. Anthony of Egypt

Saint Anthony of Egypt - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Edward M. Rice of Springfield-Cape Girardeau
Let Yourself be Little: Finding Your Personal Interior Style, by Mary Catherine Adams at TOH Blog
Where to Eat Carbonara in Rome: The 10 Best Restaurants, by Alessandra Tibollo at Fine Dining Lovers
Mel Gibson’s ‘Passion of the Christ’ Sequel to Begin Filming in 2023, by Jacqueline Burkepile at ChurchPOP
Before and After: A Hand-Me-Down Bunk Bed Inspires a Whole-Room Redo in a Surprising Color Combo, by Sarah Everett at Apartment Therapy
Podcast: On The Potential Pitfalls of Personality Tests And the Origins of the Enneagram with Jordan Burke, by MaryRuth Hackett at Parenting Smarts/Spiritual Direction Â
Why Aren't Young Catholics Marrying?, by Rachel Hoover at CWR
A New Year Note, by Anna Liesemeyer at In Honor of Design
Sexual Colonization, by Carlo Lancellotti at Touchstone