"Find happiness in making others happy."
-St. Mary MacKillop

Saint Mary MacKillop - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito of Palm Beach
The Storm Is Over, Mommy, by Kennedy Hall at Crisis
Elote Style Quinoa Salad, by Lindsay at Pinch of Yum
The Lowest Odds of Divorce Are Among Religious Young Adults Who Don't Cohabitate, by Michael Foust at Crosswalk
The Perfection of Jane Austen, by Eva Brann at The Imaginative Conservative
Misusing 'Oh, My God!', by MSGR. Charles Pope at Simply Catholic
Landscape Architecture: Curb Appeal and a Cactus Fence for an LA Home, by Fan Winston at GardenistaÂ
Sri Lanka Is Just the First to Topple in Globalists' Green Energy House of Cards, by J.B. Shurk at The Federalist
Exorcist Warns Witches that Casting Spells Will Come Back to Haunt Them, by Patti Maguire Armstrong at NCR