"Divine ecstasy brings about an elevation of the being, of creative and formative power; the demonic ecstasy brings about weakening of being, disintegration and decay."
-Venerable Fulton Sheen

Saint Augustine Zhao Rong & Companions - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Elias R. Lorenzo, Auxiliary Bishop of Newark
Lord, Make Us Ordinary, by Carrie Gress at The Catholic Thing
The Flower Lady: Musings on a Living Book, by Denise Trull at The Inscapist
I Went to Italy to Learn How to Make Pizza, and These Are the Tools I Now Use at Home, by Stacey Ballis at Food & Wine
Bl. Jozef Ulma Could Be the Next Patron of Photographers, by Philip Kosloski at Aleteia
Video: A Thorn in the Flesh, by Bishop Robert BarronÂ
A Harmonious Dorset Rose Garden, by Clare Foster at House & Garden
The Dark Side of Deregulation: Coerced Abortion Incidents on the Rise, by Catalina Scheider Galiñanes at NCR
The Feminine Call to Creativity, by Molly Farinholt at RadiantÂ
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Podcast: Feminism and Transgenderism – Dr. Carrie Gress, at Issues, Etc