"There is something in humility which strangely exalts the heart."
-St. Augustine

Saint Anthony of Padua - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Jacques E. Fabre-Jeune of Charleston
Anne Frank's Childhood Friend Recalls Their Years Before the Holocaust, by Hannah Pick-Goslar with Dina Kraft at Smithsonian Magazine
Ralph’s Refreshed in Paris, at Habitually Chic
Pride Month Zealots Launch Economic Warfare On Homesteading Catholic Family, by Evita Duffy-Alfonso at The Federalist
Seven Lavender Farms to Sniff This Summer, by Sallie Lewis at Garden & Gun
Freemason Christians Are Deeply Incoherent, Says Former Masonic "Worship Leader," by Solène Tadié at NCR
9 Things You May Not Know About Saint Anthony of Padua, the Miraculous Intercessor, by Caroline Perkins at ChurchPop
Sound of Freedom, Starring Jim Caviezel, Puts the Multi-Billion Dollar Business of Child Trafficking Front and Center, by Nancy Flory at The Stream
Stunning Christ the Redeemer Photo Gives Lesson in Patience, by Cerith Gardiner at Aleteia