"It is the home which decides the nation. What happens in the family will happen later in Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court. Every country gets the kind of government it deserves. As we live in the home, so shall the nation live."
-Venerable Fulton Sheen

Saint Mattias - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Edward M. Lohse of Kalamazoo
How Motherhood Liberated Me, by Raina Raskin at The Free Press
LEGO Announces Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral Set, by Kate Quiñones at CWR
Professor Carter Snead’s Address to the Class of 2024, at Thomas Aquinas College
These Sweet and Savory Recipes Let You Make the Most of Delicious Spring Fruits, by Kara Peeler at Sunset
Saint Josemaria and Our Lady of Fatima, at Opus Dei
Easy, Low-Light Indoor Plants, by John Petersik at Young House Love
Tabernacle Untouched at Oklahoma Parish Hit by Powerful Tornado, by Jonah McKeown at CNA
‘All for Jesus, Through Mary’: How the Blessed Virgin Made God’s Mercy Concrete in My Life, by Solène Tadié at NCR