“Know that the greatest service that man can offer to God is to help convert souls ”

Blessed Rafal Chylinski ~ Glorious Mysteries
NEW FEATURE: Pray and Sacrifice for Archbishop Andrew E. Bellisario, Archbishop of Anchorage-Juneau
Liturgical Living for Busy Families in December, by Lauren at The Contemplative Homemaker
How to Safely Mail Treats So They Arrive Fresh & Crumble Free, by Anna Francese Gass at FOOD52
A Deeper Longing, by Edmund Waldstein, at The Point
5 Ways to Talk About Politics Peacefully, by Ben Johnson at Acton Institute
Start Advent off Right with a Christ-Centered Craft for Kids, by Rachel Campos-Duffy at Fox News
What Has Gone Wrong? On the Collapse of Public Life, by James Kalb at CWR
The History of Fabric Is the History of Civilization, by Nick Gillespie at Reason.com
Edith Stein, Advent, and the Collision of the Two Covenants, by Travis Lacy at Church Life Journal
TOH in the News: Awake My Soul: The 2020 Radiant Christmas Gift Guide, by Claire Collins at Radiant Magazine