"Do not be surprised that you fall every day; do not give up, but stand your ground courageously. And assuredly, the angel who guards you will honor your patience."
-St. John Climacus

Saint Emerenziana - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio for the Military Services
Carrie's New Backsplash, by Carrie Gress at TOH Substack
The Conversion of Death and the Lifegiving Power of Beauty, by Joseph Pearce at NCR
Thai Peanut Chicken Bowls, by Lindsay at Pinch of Yum
Supreme Court Takes Up Parents’ Challenge to LGBTQ Story Time in Elementary School, by Alex Swoyer at Washington TimesÂ
Podcast: On the Employment of Time, by Eremita at Catholic Daily Brief
The DIY Duplex: The Owners of Glass Workshop La Soufflerie Designed and Built Their Paris Rooftop Apartment, by Margot Guralnick at Remodelista
Seven Simple Steps to Deepen Your Catholic Faith, by Anne DeSantis at Epic Pew
Sing to Me, Muse of the Man, by Fran Maier at TCT
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