"Let us throw ourselves into the ocean of His goodness, where every failing will be canceled and anxiety turned into love."
-St. Paul of the Cross

Saint Henry - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami
Raising a Family in the Digital Age: A Technology Guide for Parents, by Clare Morell, Patrick Brown, Noelle Mering, & Mary Hasson at EPPC
By Flocking to DC Post-Roe, Flyover Democrats Show Their Allegiance Is to Abortion Radicalism Over Constituents, by Margot Cleveland at The FederalistÂ
ICYMI: Cherry Clafoutis, at Smitten Kitchen
Mary Saves, by Tim Staples at Catholic Answers
A Compact, Multi-Color Kitchen in London, by Alexa Hotz at RemodelistaÂ
Our Sexy Life, by Peter J. Leithart at First Things
Three Ways Chickens Help Your Garden, at Hearth & Field
New Catholic College Offers Trades and Degrees Without "Crippling Debt", by J-P Mauro at Aleteia
Photo by Kim Baile for Theology of Home III: At the Sea