"A man who prays lives out the mystery of existence, and a man who does not pray scarcely exists."
-St. Charbel

Saint Charbel Makhlouf - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Peter Baldacchino of Las Cruces
5 Fascinating Facts about St. Charbel Mahklouf, the Miraculous Healing Saint, by Jacqueline Burkepile at ChurchPop
Aging Baby Boomer Blues, by Fr. Jerry Pokorsky at Catholic Culture
These Are the 25 Prettiest Flowers in the World, According to Gardening Experts, by Madeline Buiano at Martha StewartÂ
Biden’s Title IX Rewrite Rejected by 6th Circuit: Americans Are ‘Standing Up’ for Women, by Sarah Holliday at The Washington Stand
Detroit Style Pizza, by Emma Chapman at A Beautiful Mess
Elevate Every Corner of Your Home With This Fun, New Wallpaper Collection, by Nikhita Mahtani at DwellÂ
6 Ways to Keep the Revival Alive, by Maria Cintorino at NCR
Do I Really Notice Each Child?, by John Cuddeback at Life Craft
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In the news:Â Awake, Not Woke with Noelle Mering, at Ave Maria in the AfternoonÂ