"Do everything for love. Thus there will be no little things: everything will be big. Perseverance in little things for love is heroism."
-St. Josemaria EscriváÂ

Saint Josemaria Escrivá - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Archbishop George Leo Thomas of Las Vegas
A Mothering of the Spirit, by Nell O'Leary at Friends of the BridegroomÂ
12 Cozy, Comforting Chicken Casseroles You'll Be Making on Repeat, by Lynn Andriani at Martha Stewart
The Challenge and Goals of Independent Catholic Filmmaking, by S. Kirk Pierzchala at CWR
Sacrificial Reading, by Br. Athanasius Becker at Dominicana
This Family of Five’s Barcelona Apartment Has the Cutest Double-Duty Shed, by Adrienne Breaux and Lula Poggi
In Sinu Patris, by Fr. Paul Scalia at TCT
77 Fourth of July Side Dishes for an All-Star Cookout, by Patricia S. York at Southern LivingÂ
Hunger, Poverty, and the Eucharist, by Daniel E. Flores at Church Life Journal