“We adore you and we bless you, Lord Jesus Christ, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.”

Saint Stephen of Mar Saba
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop John R. Manz, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago
Prophecy of Venerable Fulton Sheen Offers Hope to a Troubled America, by Joseph Pronechen at NCR
Podcast: A Letter to the Woman Walking the Road to Recovery with Paige Rien, by Chloe Langr at Letters to Women
Martha Stewart Just Taught Me the Secret to the Best-Ever Cinnamon Rolls, by Sara Tane at The Kitchn
Christianity, Immigration, and the Religion of Humanity, by Pierre Manent at Public Discourse
How to Style a Bookshelf with Plants, by Anna Kocharian at Apartment Therapy
Video: How Can Birth Control Be Wrong? Part II, at Patrick Coffin Media (Edit: YouTube terminated Patrick's account)
Music and Memory, by Denise Trull at Dappled Things
TOH in the News: “Nuestros Hogares Tienen la Capacidad de Reevangelizar la Cultura”, by Isis Barajas at Mision