"Make my soul…Your cherished dwelling place, Your home of rest. Let me never leave You there alone, but keep me there all absorbed in You, in living faith, adoring You."
-St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

Saint Ignatius of Laconi - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger of Tucson
Which Priest Comes to Mind When You Think of the Priesthood?, by Tom Hoopes at Aleteia
Lemon Herb Pasta Salad with Marinated Chickpeas, by Lindsay at Pinch of Yum
Groomer Alert: Now They Are Trying to Get to Your Kids Through Their Breakfast Cereal, by Paula Bolyard at PJ MediaÂ
Sigrid Undset's Kristin Lavransdatter Turns One Hundred, by Cat Hodge at Plough
Honoring the Radical Choice of Full-Time Motherhood, by Monica Seeley at Crisis
Steal This Look: A Timeless Dining Room in Somerset, by Alexa Hotz at Remodelista
Democrats Are Proving to Be the Real Abortion Extremists, by Henry Olsen at WaPo
Podcast: On "Philoxenia": Hospitality and Welcoming the Stranger, by Michelle and Lindsay at The Modern Lady Podcast