"Beware the barrenness of a busy life."

Blessed Michael Giedroyc - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Archbishop Andrew E. Bellisario of Anchorage-Juneau
Incense: Heavenly Fragrance for Worship, by Joseph Pronechen at NCR
2 Real Estate Experts Reveal How Sellers Can Stand Out as Inventory Starts to Spike, by Kate McGregor at Domino
Deepening Prayer and Hearing God's Voice, by David Deavel at The Imaginative Conservative
Easter Through Her Eyes: Art That Exalts the Women of the Resurrection, by Elizabeth Lev at Angelus
The Problems of Putting Off Children, by Nathanael Blake at Public Discourse
Why Homeschooling Is Growing, by Keri D. Ingraham at Discovery Institute
Mother's Day Brunch Ideas, by Sonja and Alex at A Couple Cooks
Statement on the Leaked Alito Draft Opinion in Dobbs, by Robert P. George at Mirror of Justice