"Each angel that God created was in himself a masterpiece. Each one possessed his own degree of intelligence and his own beauty."
-Mother Angelica

The Holy Guardian Angels - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Edward Lohse, Apostolic Administrator of Steubenville
The Intolerance of the Tolerant, by Anthony Esolen at TCT
Turkey Chili Recipe, by Rachel Perlmutter at The Kitchn
ICE Data: Nearly Half-Million Convicted Criminals, 13,000 Convicted Killers, Inside U.S., at Catholic Vote
A Soaking Tub Is Only Steps Away From the Bed in This 900-Square-Foot Cotswolds Cottage, by Olivia Lidbury at Domino
Perfectionism Is Not Holiness: Our Misery Draws God’s Company, by Patrick O'Hearn at Catholic Exchange
Podcast: The Decline of Christianity, the Rise of the “Nones” and Philosophies of the Person that Shape Unbelief, by Michael Matheson Miller at The Moral Imagination
10 Things to Do in Your Garden Before You Put Your House on the Market, by Kristin Guy at Sunset
Begotten of the Father, by Fr. Stephen Freeman at Glory to God For All Things