"All that we do without offering it to God is wasted."
-St. John Vianney

Saint Frumentius - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Neil E. Tiedemann, Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn
Tragedy in the U.K., by Kathryn Jean Lopez at The Stream
Here's an Aspirational Goal for You: Viva Italia!, by Louis T. March at MercatornetÂ
We Need Strange Saints, by Tom Neal at WOF
Elegance Goes Untamed with Spirited Pattern and Color in a Connecticut Estate, by Stephen Wallis at Veranda
Whatever Happened to Villanova Basketball Star Shelly Pennefather? 'So I Made This Deal with God.', by Elizabeth Merrill at ESPN
The Best Firewood to Heat Your Home, by Carole J. Alexander at This Old HouseÂ
What to Know About Hyperinflation, by Will Kenton at InvestopediaÂ
Why Does Our Father's Approval Matter So Much to Us Even Later in Life?, by Octavio Messias at Aleteia