"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."

Exaltation of the Cross - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Archbishop Charles C. Thompson of Indianapolis
Marriage Is Increasingly an Institution of Highly Religious: Why That Might Be a Problem, by Brian J. Willoughby at IFS
Adding Crown Molding to Our Built-In Bookshelves + Autumn Decor, at In Honor of DesignÂ
Bishop Thomas Daly: "We Are Playing Make-Believe with Students' Biological Sexes", by Kevin Wells at Crisis
Egg-in-a-Hole Grilled Cheese Sandwich, by Kenji López-Alt at Serious Eats
Praying with Friends, by Louise Merrie at Catholic Exchange
What Big Tech Companies -- And All of Us -- Owe America, by Robert P. George at Deseret News
50+ Old Fashioned Insults We Should Bring Back, by Brett and Kate McKay at The Art of ManlinessÂ
Fair Is Foul, by Andrew Klavan at The American Mind