"It is by the path of love, which is charity, that God draws near to man, and man to God. But where charity is not found, God cannot dwell. If, then, we possess charity, we possess God, for God is Charity."
-St. Albert the Great

Saint Albert the Great - Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Peter J. Jugis of CharlotteÂ
A Side of Thanks: Simple Roasted Broccoli, by Emily Malloy at TOH Blog
To Love the Church, by Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy at The Catholic Thing
The Vision of Lucy of Narnia, by Br. Macarius Bunch at Dominicana
The Parenting Style that Best Predicts if Your Kids Will Practice their Faith as Adults, by Zoe Romanowsky at Aleteia
Catholics Invited to Make Pilgrimage in Dante's Footsteps in Anniversary Year, at CWR/CNA
Above Us Only Sky: How Ideology Manipulates Reality & Reverence as the Remedy, by Noelle Mering at Acton
Thanksgiving Math: How Much to Make Per Person, at Williams Sonoma Taste
How Saints Endured Loneliness, by Fr. Joseph M. Esper at Catholic Exchange
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Audio: 11-13-21 with Noelle Mering, by Grazie Pozo Christie at Conversations with ConsequencesÂ