“Keep your face towards the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.”
- Unknown

Blessed Caesar de Bus - Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Daniel R. Jenky of Peoria
On the Primacy of Embodiment, Against the Online Instructors, by Pavlos Papadopoulos at Public Discourse
Guest Bedroom Reveal, by Louise Roe at Front Roe
A Year with Kristin: A Reading Guide for the Kristin Lavransdatter Trilogy, by Sophia Martinson at Verily
How to Take Care of Your Candles so They Last, by Lindsey Lanquist at Real Simple
Bones Found in Jesuit Attic Revealed to Be English Catholic Martyrs, by J-P Mauro at Aleteia
11 Expert Tips for Thrift Shopping (Secondhand Treasures Await!), by Laura Fenton at FOOD 52
The Social Construction of Racism in America, by Coleman Hughes at Manhattan Institute
Annie Boutin King Is the Queen of French Cuisine in the Nation’s Capital, by Alexandra Greeley at NCR