“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”
- William Shakespeare

Blessed Peter Gonzalez - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Ronald A. Hicks of Joliet
Sex, Gender, and a Whole Lot of Confusion - an Interview with Abigail Favale, by Jonathan Leidl at NCR
How to Choose Throw Pillows for Your Big Boring Sofa, by Annmarie Naples at The Mom Edit
On Being Mother and Teacher in Equal Measure: A Reply to Cardinal Schönborn, by Regis Martin at Crisis
We Tested Four Famous Egg Salad Recipes and the Winner Is a Total Game-Changer, by Amelia Rampe at The Kitchn
West Elm Just Launched More Than 200 New Pieces of Kids’ Furniture, by Samantha Daly at dwell
In Major Pro-Life Win, Sixth Circuit Upholds Ohio Law Barring Abortions Based on Down Syndrome, by Joan Frawley Desmond at NCR
50 Classic Books that Middle Grade Girls Love, by Binzeo at Good Books for Catholic Kids
60 Classic Books For Middle Grade Boys, by Binzeo at Good Books for Catholic Kids
A New Companion for the Traditional Latin Mass, by Joseph M. Hanneman at CWR