"In times of desolation, God conceals Himself from us so that we can discover for ourselves what we are without Him."
-St. Margaret of Cortona

Saint James of the Marshes - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Robert F. Vasa of Santa Rosa
Let an ‘Unwanted’ Child Have the Best Day With You Today, by Grazie Pozo Christie at NCR
How to Decorate with Garland, at Magnolia
'Gay Is Slay': Seattle Middle Schoolers Forced to Send Hate Mail to Moms for Liberty, by Ari Hoffman at Post Millenial
Fairy Tales: Taking Young Minds and Hearts Captive, by Barbara Dugan at The Catholic Thing
St. Mary of the Oaks Shrine, at Atlas ObscuraÂ
Memento Mori: A Good Motto for Preparing to Give Birth, by Hannah Jungles at RadiantÂ
3 Easy Holiday Desserts for the Lazy Baker, by Hugh Garvey at Sunset
Catholics Can Receive a Plenary Indulgence by Praying Before a Nativity Scene, by Francesca Pollio Fenton at CNA/CWR
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In the news: Book Review: A Floral Feast, by Sarah Schutte at National Review