"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers."
-St. Maximilian Kolbe

Saint Saturnin - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Myron J. Cotta of Stockton
Babe Ruth’s Catholic Conversion Story & the Little-Known Sacramental He Took to His Grave, by Jacqueline Burkepile at ChurchPOP
Malted Chocolate Cookies, by Jenny at Dinner: A Love Story
Disney's New Christmas Movie Sexualizes Children, by Eleanor Bartow at The Federalist
Your Hands Age First—Here’s How to Treat Them and Restore Softness, by Wendy Rose Gould at Real Simple
Podcast: Behold the Sin with Stephen White, by Dn. Geoff Bennett at Respect Life Radio
Need Quiet Time? Try These Five Classic Kids' Audiobooks, by Align at Blaze Media
10 Christmas Decorating Ideas from Around the World, by Claire Hoppe at BH&G
Spend This Advent with Mary, by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone at NCR
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In the news: Podcast: Preparing for Advent with Emily Malloy, by Brooke Taylor at at Trending with Timmerie