"I will go anywhere and do anything in order to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know Him or have forgotten Him."
-Mother Cabrini

Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Jacques E. Fabre-Jeune of Charleston
Holiday Conversation Strategies to Keep Everyone Light and Breezy, by Laura Camacho at TOH Blog
Difficulty Praying the Rosary with Your Kids? 3 'Family Rosary Hacks' From a Mom of Small Children, by Harumi Suzuki at Church POP
Chicken and Pumpkin Dumplings, by Jess Larson at Plays Well with Butter
Podcast: Beyond the Call of Duty, at 10 Minutes with Jesus
17 Small Utility Room Ideas to Help You Organise a Compact Laundry Room, by Holly Walsh at Ideal Home
The 4B Movement Is a Death Cult, by John M. Grondelski at CWR
7 Thanksgiving Centerpieces That You Can Plant in Your Garden Afterwards, by Kristin Guy at Sunset
The Rules of Discernment: A Practical Guide – Rule 7, by Megan Hjelmstad at Spiritual Direction
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New Book! My True Love Gave to Me teaches children and adults alike about God’s lavishing love for us, and the gifts He bestows on us through His Church.