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Mushrooms, the Best Friend of the Thrifty Cook

Posted by Theology of Home on
Mushrooms, the Best Friend of the Thrifty Cook

By Emily Malloy

To call these times lean would be an understatement.

Because of ongoing inflation trends, food affordability has become a primary concern of most American households. Even as we re-evaluate grocery budgets, we still desire to prioritize nourishing foods. The satiety of healthy meals make it worthwhile to sacrifice the time they require to create. With each run to the store, it seems like the cost of protein squeezes our wallets the most and the time healthy meals require are no longer the only concern. Protein is an important energy source, so it is worth finding a way to make it work.  

But, when faced with skyrocketing food costs, how does the home cook reconcile nourishing foods and their price tag? The solution is simple. My favorite way to make meat stretch in any meal is to double the recipe, but instead of doubling the meat amount, adding chopped mushrooms in its place. Not only do I have tomorrow's meal finished already (or I can freeze it for another time), I have made my budget stretch. 

Wait, mushrooms? Before you curl your nose and hit the 'x' on this tab, please hear me out.  

It is more than my growing up next to the Mushroom Capital of the World that leads to my preferential treatment. Mushrooms have a unique ability to absorb the flavor of a dish without imparting its own. The mushroom also has its own meaty texture that mimics well. If the concern is the mushroom texture standing out, the key is chopping the mushrooms down small to either the same size or smaller than the meat you are cooking. 

The most common dishes that incorporate mushrooms revolve around red meat. That is always a great jumping off point: meatloaf, burgers, meat sauce, beef and broccoli, chili, stroganoff, and so much more. Mushrooms are also incredibly versatile. I love adding them to various poultry dishes, as well. They're great to caramelize alongside onions to stretch larger cuts of meat. Eggs are another protein option that mushrooms can enhance. 

Tough economic times are so often a source of stress, but with an innovative attitude, it can become an opportunity to become a more diverse cook. So here's to growing in creativity!

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